INFICON IC6 Thin Film Deposition Controller User Manual

Page 98

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IC6 Operating Manual

At each source shutter close, the datalog information will be appended to the file
(when saved to USB) until the end of the Process.

If two layers are co-deposited, the first layer to have a source shutter close will be
data-logged first.

Datalogging to RS-232 is active if the USB Datalog format is set to page or comma
in the Datalog page of the USB Storage screen. Datalogging the crystal frequency
data is an optional subset of the datalog string and is enabled by selecting Yes for
Datalog Xtal Info on the Comm page of the General screen. The Dlog Comma
protocol format is actually comma-and-quote delimited intended for file importation
into a spreadsheet program. When a spreadsheet program imports a file having the
comma delimited format, data groups that are strictly numbers become value
entries, data groups surrounded by quotes are stored as labels.

For the Dlog Page protocol format, only those sensors which are used in a
particular Material for a particular Layer will be datalogged.

For the comma delimited format, all the data fields are returned for all the sensors
and crystals. If a sensor is not used during the deposition, the data field will contain
a zero.

The following values make up the data in the datalog. The data is sent in ASCII
strings when the RS-232 port is set for data logging. The data is saved as ASCII
strings in the datalog files. The ASCII strings are made up of the labels and values
in the following list. ASCII strings are CRLF (Carriage Return Line Feed)
terminated. When the data log is requested via the remote status layer command
the values are sent in the binary format only.

Year (Integer)

Month (Integer)

Day (Integer)

Hour (Integer)

Minute (Integer)

Process x (x = process number or, in data log files, the name if the name is

Run Number X (Integer)

Layer x (Integer)

Material x (x is the material number or, in data log files, the name if the name is

Process Time seconds (Integer)

Layer Time seconds (Integer)

Deposit Time seconds (Integer)