S. see, 3 dacs page parameters – INFICON IC6 Thin Film Deposition Controller User Manual

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IC6 Operating Manual

ACTIVE LAYER OUTPUT . . . . . . . . 0, 1 to 31

Specifies the first of eight consecutive outputs that indicate the active layer’s
number. The outputs will change to indicate the layer number in binary mode.
For example, if a process is started with layer 1 as the Layer To Start, the
outputs will be 00000001. In the case of a 20 layer process, when the last layer
is started and when it goes into the Idle mode, the outputs will be 00010100. If
more than one layer is active, the outputs will indicate the lowest numbered
layer. The default value is 0 which disables the function.

RUN NUMBER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to 9999

This is a counter which increments by one at each start of a Process. Any
arbitrary value may be entered as a starting point. The default value is 1.

THICKNESS EQUATION 1, 2, 3 . . . 0 to 654321

Each of the three thickness equations can be set up to sum the thickness of the
specified sources. Each source can only be used once in an equation and can
be used in all three equations. For example, 12 means sum the thickness of
sources 1 and 2, 1234 sums the first four sources. Thickness equations are
designed to be used in logic statements. Equation(s) will be displayed when the
general parameter "layers displayed" is set to four or six. The default value is 0.

7.3 DACs Page Parameters

Polarity and full scale voltages can be set up for all DACs, see

Figure 7-2

. Move

the cursor key to the DAC. Use the TOGL key to select + or - for the polarity. Use
the numeric keys to enter the full scale voltage in the range of 0.1 to 10.0 volts.
These parameters cannot be updated while a process is running. Default is -10.0.

Figure 7-2 General screen DACs page