7 test mode, 1 standard or time compressed, 2 advanced test – INFICON IC6 Thin Film Deposition Controller User Manual
Page 96: 8 usb storage device

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IC6 Operating Manual
Determining Soak 2
After ~30 - 60 seconds of Soak 1, using the Handheld Controller, again slowly
increase the power a percent at a time until the desired Deposition Rate is reached.
Use a percent or two less than this number for the Soak Power 2 parameter.
3.6.7 Test Mode
Test can be turned on or off in the General/Test display page. "Test" will be shown
in red while Test mode is active. Standard or Time Compressed
This IC6 contains a software-controlled test mode which simulates actual
operation. In Time Compressed mode, all layer times are sped up so that a long
process can be simulated in one tenth of the time. The purpose of the test mode is
to verify basic operation and to demonstrate typical operation. The rate display
during test mode operation is:
Crystal fails are ignored in these test modes. Auto crystal switching is disabled. All
other relays and inputs operate normally. Advanced Test
In Advanced Test mode, crystal fails are recognized and auto crystal switching is
3.6.8 USB Storage Device
The USB port allows storage of all parameter information, screen shots as well as
automatic datalogging information to a storage device. The maximum number of
files which may be stored depends on the storage device memory size. The IC6 is
limited to displaying 120 files as 8 pages of 15. The directories are Config, Datalog
and Screen Shot.
The parameter set may be stored under a new or existing filename and retrieved
from an existing file. A file containing the IC6 parameter set is referred to as a
configuration file. Datalog information will be saved only if the USB Datalog Format
setting in the Datalog page of the USB Storage screen is set to Comma or Page.
Multiple files may be contained on one storage device. Filenames may be eight
characters long; extensions are used to differentiate between configuration files,
screen shots and datalogging files. All files must be contained in the appropriate
directory. Storage/retrieval from sub-directories is not allowed for screen shots and
datalog files
Rate Display
Density (gm/cc)
-------------------------------------- Tooling %
A sec