INFICON Hydrostik Hydrogen Fuel Cylinder Installation User Manual
Instruction sheet hydrostik hydrogen fuel cylinder

Hydrostik Hydrogen Fuel Cylinder
Installation Instructions
PN 074-626-P1A
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Hydrostik™ is a metal hydride hydrogen fuel cylinder that is used as a source of
hydrogen gas in a DataFID™ or MicroFID II™. Hydrostik releases hydrogen at low
pressure to support up to ten hours of instrument operation.
The following installation instructions are provided:
attaching Hydrostik to the Hydrostik adapter
filling Hydrostik using a high-pressure hydrogen tank
installing Hydrostik adapter assembly into a DataFID or MicroFID II
NOTE: These procedures are applicable to both DataFID and MicroFID II.
Hydrostik Related Parts
Hydrostik (PN ISP-951-402-P1 or PN ISP-951-402-P2)
Hydrostik Adapter (PN 951-205-G1)
Foam Insert (PN ISP-951-202-G1)
Attach Hydrostik to the Hydrostik Adapter
NOTE: In order to fill Hydrostik with hydrogen, it must be attached to the
Hydrostik adapter.
Insert the threaded end of Hydrostik into the Hydrostik adapter and screw
Hydrostik clockwise until tight (
Figure 1 Attaching Hydrostik to the Hydrostik Adapter
Hydrostik adapter