6 post deposit parameters – INFICON IC6 Thin Film Deposition Controller User Manual
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IC6 Operating Manual
Specifies how close the rate value must be to the setpoint value for 5 seconds
before opening the source shutter.The parameter is displayed only if the Delay
Option chosen is Shutter or Both. The default value is 5.
TRANSFER SENSOR . . . . . . . . . . . 0 to 8
This parameter is only enabled when the Delay option Shutter or Both has been
enabled. In addition, a second sensor must be available to use this feature. The
IC6 will use the transfer sensor for rate control during the shutter delay time and
revert back to the primary sensor after the shutter delay time has expired.
Default is 0 which will use any sensors that are currently active in the layer.
TRANSFER TOOLING. . . . . . . . . . . 1.0 to 999.9%
The tooling factor for the transfer sensor. Default value is 100.0%. This
parameter is only enabled when the Transfer Sensor is enabled.
5.1.6 Post Deposit Parameters
Feed Ramp State
The next three parameters define a feed ramp provided to maintain power levels
during a wire feed. After reaching Final Thickness, the IC6 will enter the Feed
Ramp state for the specified time. Control voltage is ramped from the power level
at the end of the DEPOSIT state to the Feed Power level. Feed Power is held
constant until the end of Feed Time. At the end of Feed Time, the IC6 will proceed
to the Idle ramp state. Source and sensor shutter are inactive.
FEED POWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 to 99.99%
This is one of three parameters used to affect a Feed Ramp. This value
establishes the control voltage power level at which the source is maintained
during wire feed. The default value is 0.
FEED RAMP TIME. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00:00 to 99:59 min:s
This is the time interval for the source power to ramp linearly from the power
level at the end of Deposit to Feed Power level. The Feed state is active during
Feed Ramp Time. The default value is 00:00.
FEED TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00:00 to 99:59 min:s
This is the time interval for which the source power is maintained at Feed
Power. The Feed state is active during Feed Time. The default value is 00:00.
Idle Ramp State
The next two parameters define an idle ramp provided to establish the source
power level after the Deposit or Feed state. Control voltage is ramped from the
power level at the end of the Deposit state (or Feed Power, if one is set) to the Idle