INFICON IC6 Thin Film Deposition Controller User Manual

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IC6 Operating Manual


Configure the sensors.

Configuring the sensors involves designating whether the sensor is a single or
multi-position sensor, and what output relays are connected to the sensor
shutter and crystal switcher, if any. Also, the Auto-Z feature is activated or
deactivated during sensor configuration. These parameters are on the
SENSOR display. See

section 4.1 on page 4-1

for a description of

programming these parameters. Also see

section 3.6.1 on page 3-34

for details

on crystal switching.


Configure the sources.

Configuring the sources involves selecting the digital-to-analog voltage
converter (DAC) output, its polarity and full scale voltage, and selecting the
output relay for the source shutter. Also, if a source has more than one crucible,
this is set up in the source configuration. The source parameters are
programmed on the SOURCE page of the SOURCE screen. See

section 4.2

on page 4-4

for a detailed description for programming these parameters. Also


section 3.6.2 on page 3-37

for details on crucible selection. The output

voltage full scale range and polarity for the selected source control DAC output
is set up in the General screen DACs page.


Define materials.

To define materials, the MATERIAL pages of the MATERIAL screen are used.
Each distinct material used in the process must be defined. If the same material
is going to be used more than once in the process, it needs to be defined only
once. The material definition includes rate, density, Z-Ratio, tooling, soak
power settings, RateWatcher, rate ramps, time limits and whether to STOP on
max power. Control loop characteristics also relate to the material. Also, one
source and one or more specific sensors are associated with each material.

Chapter 5

for a detailed description for programming these parameters.


Define layer/process.

To define layers and processes, the PROCESS pages are used. A process is
an ordered set of layers. Layers are entered in order on the PROCESS display.
Each layer consists of a material, chosen by number from the material display,
final thickness, and thickness limit. Additional information can be provided here
for special process features; these include crucible selection and
co-deposition. For a detailed description of layer parameters see

Chapter 6



Configure General parameter information.

The final step in defining a process is to program any process related
parameters on the GENERAL display. This includes which defined process to
execute, what layer to begin the process on (typically 1), and whether to start
the next layer automatically. It may also be desirable to modify the definition of
the graphical display and analog output. See

Chapter 7

for a detailed

description of General parameters.