Enable and disable password display, Displaying vrrp and vrrp-e information for ipv4, Displaying summary information – Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Routing Configuration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual
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Multi-Service IronWare Routing Configuration Guide
Displaying VRRP and VRRP-E information for IPv4
Enable and Disable password display
By default, the MD5 authentication password key is displayed as dots (...) for in the show
running-configuration and show startup-configuration commands.
For example:
Brocade# show running-config
interface ethernet 1/1
ipv6 vrrp-extended auth-type md5-auth ********
Use the enable password-display command to display the key password in original form, either
encrypted or decrypted.
For example:
Brocade# enable password-display
Brocade# show running-config
interface ethernet 1/1
ipv6 vrrp-extended auth-type md5-auth 2 $bkciYg==
Use the disable password-display command to display the key password as dots.
Displaying VRRP and VRRP-E information for IPv4
You can display the following information for IPv4 VRRP or VRRP-E:
“Displaying summary information”
“Displaying detailed information”
“Displaying configuration information for VRRP and VRRP-E”
Displaying summary information
To display summary information for IPv4 VRRP or VRRP-E, enter the following command at any level
of the CLI.
Syntax: show ip vrrp [brief | ethernet slot/portnum | statistics | ve num | vrid id]
Brocade(config)# show ip vrrp brief
Total number of VRRP routers defined: 2
Flags Codes - P:Preempt 2:V2 3:V3 S:Short-Path-Fwd
Inte- VRID Current Flags State Master IP Backup IP Virtual IP
rface Priority Address Address Address
1/1 10 255 P2- Master Local Unknown
1/3 13 100 P2- Master Local Unknown