Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Routing Configuration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual
Page 166

Multi-Service IronWare Routing Configuration Guide
Displaying BGP4 information
The next-hop device for reaching the network.
Learned from Peer
The IP address of the neighbor that sent this route.
The degree of preference for this route relative to other routes in the
local AS. When the BGP4 algorithm compares routes on the basis of
local preferences, the route with the higher local preference is chosen.
The preference can have a value from 0 – 4294967295.
The route metric. If the route does not have a metric, this field is blank.
The source of the route information. The origin can be one of the
EGP – The routes with these attributes came to BGP4 through EGP.
IGP – The routes with these attributes came to BGP4 through IGP.
INCOMPLETE – The routes came from an origin other than one of
the above. For example, they may have been redistributed from
When BGP4 compares multiple routes to select the best route, IGP is
preferred over EGP and both are preferred over INCOMPLETE.
The value this device associates with routes from a specific neighbor. For
example, if the device receives routes to the same destination from two
BGP4 neighbors, the device prefers the route from the neighbor with the
larger weight.
Whether network information in this route has been aggregated and this
aggregation has resulted in information loss.
NOTE: Information loss under these circumstances is a normal part of
BGP4 and does not indicate an error.
Aggregation ID
The device that originated this aggregation.
Aggregation AS
The AS in which the network information was aggregated. This value
applies only to aggregated routes and is otherwise 0.
The originator of the route in a route reflector environment.
Cluster List
The route-reflector clusters through which this route has passed.
Learned From
The IP address of the neighbor from which the device learned the route.
Admin Distance
The administrative distance of the route.
The number of neighbors to which the route has been or will be
advertised. This is the number of times the route has been selected as
the best route and placed in the Adj-RIB-Out (outbound queue) for a
BGP4 neighbor.
The communities the route is in.
BGP4 route information (Continued)
This field...