Configuring redistribution filters – Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Routing Configuration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual

Page 348

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Multi-Service IronWare Routing Configuration Guide


Configuring RIP parameters

Configuring redistribution filters

RIP redistribution filters apply to all interfaces. Use route maps to define how you want to deny or
permit redistribution.


The default redistribution action is permit, even after you configure and apply redistribution filters
to the virtual routing interface. If you want to tightly control redistribution, apply a filter to deny all
routes as the last filter (the filter with the highest ID), then apply filters to allow specific routes.

A route map is a named set of match conditions and parameter settings that the Brocade device
can use to modify route attributes and to control redistribution of the routes into other protocols. A
route map consists of a sequence of up to 50 instances. The Brocade device evaluates a route
according to a route map’s instances in ascending numerical order. The route is first compared
against instance 1, then against instance 2, and so on. If a match is found, the Brocade device
stops evaluating the route against the route map instances.

Route maps can contain match statements and set statements. Each route map contains a
“permit” or “deny” action for routes that match the match statements:

If the route map contains a permit action, a route that matches a match statement is
permitted; otherwise, the route is denied.

If the route map contains a deny action, a route that matches a match statement is denied.

If a route does not match any match statements in the route map, the route is denied. This is
the default action. To change the default action, configure the last match statement in the last
instance of the route map to “permit any any”.

If there is no match statement, the software considers the route to be a match.

For route maps that contain address filters, AS-path filters, or community filters, if the action
specified by a filter conflicts with the action specified by the route map, the route map’s action
takes precedence over the individual filter’s action.

If the route map contains set statements, routes that are permitted by the route map’s match
statements are modified according to the set statements.

In RIP, the match statements are based on prefix lists and access control lists. Set statements are
based on tag values and metric values.

To configure redistribution filters, enter a command such as the following.

Brocade(config-rip-router)#redistribute bgp route-map longroute

Syntax: [no] redistribute connected | bgp | ospf | static [metric value | route-map name]

The connected parameter applies redistribution to connected types.

The bgp parameter applies redistribution to BGP4 routes.

The ospf parameter applies redistribution to OSPF routes.

The static parameter applies redistribution to IP static routes.

The metric value parameter sets the RIP metric value 1- 15 that will be applied to the routes
imported into RIP.

The route-map name parameter indicates the route map’s name.