Clearing bgp4 routes to neighbors – Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Routing Configuration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual

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Multi-Service IronWare Routing Configuration Guide


Four-byte Autonomous System Numbers (AS4)

You can specify a route target (rt) or a site of origin (soo) for an extended community, as shown in
the following example.

Brocade(config-routemap test)# set extcommunity rt 7701000:10

Syntax: [no] set extcommunity rt asn:nn | ip-address:nn | soo asn:nn | ip-address:nn

The rt keyword specifies a route target in the form of a route ID. The route ID can be an ASN or IP
address. The second part of the route ID is a user-specific numeric variable nn. The ASN can be a
maximum of 4 bytes (in the range 1 – 4294967295). If you specify an AS4 or IP address, the nn
variable is limited to a maximum length of 2 bytes. If the feature for announcing and negotiating
AS4 is disabled, nn can be 4 bytes.

The soo keyword specifies a site or origin in the form of a route ID. The route ID can be an ASN4 or
IP address. The second part of the route ID is a user-specific numeric variable nn. The AS4 can be
a maximum of 4 bytes (in the range 1 – 4294967295). If you specify an AS4 or IP address, the nn
variable is limited to a maximum length of 2 bytes. If the feature for announcing and negotiating
AS4 is disabled, nn can be 4 bytes.

Clearing BGP4 routes to neighbors

You can clear BGP4 connections using the AS4 as an argument with the clear ip bgp neighbor
command in the configuration context level of the CLI. as shown.

Brocade(config)# clear ip bgp neighbor 80000

Syntax: clear ip bgp neighbor all | ip-addr | peer-group-name | as-num

[ last-packet-with-error | notification-errors | [soft [in | out ] | soft-outbound ]

The neighbor specification is either all, ip-addr, peer-group-name, or as-num. The all parameter
specifies all neighbors. The ip-addr parameter specifies a neighbor by its IP interface with the
device. The peer-group-name specifies all neighbors in a specific peer group. The as-num
parameter specifies all neighbors within the specified AS. After choosing one mandatory
parameter, you can choose an optional parameter.

The soft [in | out] parameter determines whether to refresh the routes received from the neighbor
or the routes sent to the neighbor. If you do not specify in or out, the device performs a soft refresh
in both options:

soft in performs one of the following actions on inbound routes, according to other
configuration settings:


If you enabled soft reconfiguration for the neighbor or peer group, soft in updates the
routes by comparing the route policies against the route updates that the device has
stored. Soft reconfiguration does not request additional updates from the neighbor or
otherwise affect the session with the neighbor.


If you did not enable soft reconfiguration, soft in requests the entire BGP4 route table on
the neighbor (Adj-RIB-Out), then applies the filters to add, change, or exclude routes.


If a neighbor does not support dynamic refresh, soft in resets the neighbor session.

soft out updates all outbound routes and then sends the entire BGP4 route table for the device
(Adj-RIB-Out) to the neighbor after the device changes or excludes the routes affected by the

The soft-outbound parameter updates all outbound routes by applying the new or changed
filters, but sends only the existing routes affected by the new or changed filters to the neighbor.