Clearing the dhcpv6 delegated prefixes, Clearing the dhcpv6 packet counters – Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Routing Configuration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual

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Multi-Service IronWare Routing Configuration Guide



DHCP relay agent for IPv6

Table 77

describes the fields from the output of the show ipv6 dhcp-relay interface command.

Clearing the DHCPv6 delegated prefixes

To clear the DHCPv6 delegated prefixes for specific VRFs, use the clear ipv6 dhcp-relay
delegated-prefixes command at the privilege level.

Brocade# clear ipv6 dhcp-relay delegated-prefixes vrf VRF1

Syntax: clear ipv6 dhcp-relay delegated-prefixes {vrf vrf-name} { X:X::X:X/M | all | interface


The vrf vrf-name parameter is used to clear the DHCPv6 delegated prefixes for a specific VRF. If this
parameter is not provided, then the information for the default VRF is cleared.

The X:X::X:X/M parameter is used to clear the specified delegated prefix and remove the
corresponding route permanently from the router.

The all parameter is used to clear all the delegated prefixes and remove the corresponding routes
permanently from the router for the VRF.

The interface interface-id parameter is used to clear all the delegated prefixes and remove the
corresponding routes permanently from the router for the specified outgoing interface.

Clearing the DHCPv6 packet counters

To clear all DHCPv6 packet counters, use the clear ipv6 dhcp-relay statistics command at the
privilege level.

Brocade# clear ipv6 dhcp-relay statistics

Syntax: clear ipv6 dhcp-relay statistics


Output from the show ipv6 dhcp-relay interface command




The DHCPv6 relay destination configured on the interface.

Destination: The configured destination IPv6 address.

OutgoingInterface: The interface on which packet will be relayed if the destination
relay address is link local or multicast.


The current information about DHCPv6 relay options for the interface.

Interface-Id: The interface ID option indicating if the option is used or not.

Remote-Id : The remote ID option indicating if the option is used or not.

Prefix Delegation

This current information about the DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation for the interface.

Interface: The name of the interface.

Current - The number of delegated prefixes currently learned on the interface.

Maximum - The maximum number of delegated prefixes that can be learned on
the interface.

AdminDistance - The administrative distance used for prefixes learned on the
specific interface when added to IPv6 Static Route table.