Address family configuration level, Interface level, Enabling is-is globally – Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Routing Configuration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual
Page 282

Multi-Service IronWare Routing Configuration Guide
IS-IS CLI levels
Address family configuration level
The Brocade device’s implementation of IS-IS includes the address family configuration level.
Address families allow you to configure IPv4 IS-IS unicast settings that are separate and distinct
from IPv6 IS-IS unicast settings (when IPv6 is supported).
Under the address family level, Brocade devices currently support the unicast address family
configuration level only. The Brocade device enters the IPv4 IS-IS unicast address family
configuration level when you enter the following command while at the global IS-IS configuration
Brocade(config-isis-router)# address-family ipv4 unicast
Syntax: address-family ipv4 unicast
The (config-isis-router-ipv4u)# prompt indicates that you are at the IPv4 IS-IS unicast address
family configuration level. While at this level, you can access several commands that allow you to
configure IPv4 IS-IS unicast settings.
Each address family configuration level allows you to access commands that apply to that particular
address family only. To enable a feature in a particular address family, you must specify any
associated commands for that feature in that particular address family. You cannot expect the
feature, which you may have configured in the IPv4 IS-IS unicast address family, to work in the IPv6
IS-IS unicast address family unless it is explicitly configured in the IPv6 IS-IS unicast address family.
To exit from the ipv4 IS-IS unicast address family configuration level, enter the following command.
Brocade(config-isis-router-ipv4u)# exit-address-family
Entering this command returns you to the global IS-IS configuration level.
Interface level
Some IS-IS definitions are entered at the interface level. To enable IS-IS at the interface level, enter
the following command.
Brocade(config)# interface ethernet 2/3
Brocade(config-if-e1000-2/3)#ip router isis
Syntax: [no] ip router isis
Enabling IS-IS globally
To configure IPv4 IS-IS, perform the tasks listed below.
1. Globally enable IS-IS by entering the following command.
Brocade(config)# router isis
ISIS: Please configure NET!
Once you enter router isis, the device enters the IS-IS router configuration level.
Syntax: [no] router isis
To disable IS-IS, use the no form of this command.