Configuring bfd for static routes, Single hop configuration, Multi-hop configuration – Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Routing Configuration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual
Page 539

Multi-Service IronWare Routing Configuration Guide
BFD for Static Routes
BFD for static routes will not support interface-based static routes for both IPv4 and IPv6.
Configuring BFD for static routes
The following example assumes the configured interface Ethernet 1/1 is as follows:
interface ethernet 1/1
bfd interval 100 min-rx 100 multiplier 5
ip address
Single hop configuration
To configure BFD for static routes, configure BFD neighbors using the following commands. BFD
neighbors can be configured in unassociated mode using this command.
The following example uses interface ethernet 1/1 as the outgoing interface and uses the BFD
intervals on ethernet 1/1. The next hop address is the BFD neighbor and the configured
address on Ethernet 1/1 is the local address.
Brocade(config)#ip route static-bfd
Syntax to configure BFD Static neighbor for IPv4:
Syntax: [no] ip route [vrf vrf-name] static-bfd neighbor-ip-address local-ip-address interval tx-rate
min-rx rx-rate multiplier value
Syntax to configure BFD Static neighbor for IPv6:
Syntax: [no] ipv6 route [vrf vrf-name] static-bfd neighbor-ipv6-address local-ipv6-address
interval tx-rate min-rx rx-rate multiplier value
The no version of the command removes the BFD monitoring by removing the BFD static neighbor and eliminating the BFD session, while keeping the static route in the RTM, and retaining
the existing traffic to IP route You only need to specify the BFD neighbor address and the
local address when removing a BFD neighbor.
To enable BFD for static routes use the following command. The BFD parameter allows you to
enable BFD monitoring for the static route.
Brocade(config)#ip route bfd
Syntax to enable BFD monitoring for IPv4:
Syntax: [no] ip route Destination IP address Next hop Router IP address> … bfd
Syntax to enable BFD monitoring for IPv6:
Syntax: [no] ipv6 route Destination IPv6 address Next hop Router IPv6 address … bfd
The no version of the command removes BFD monitoring from the static route.
Multi-hop configuration
The following example shows a multi-hop configuration using the commands explained in the single
hop section.
Brocade(config)#ip route static-bfd interval 90 min-rx 90
multiplier 3
Brocade(config)#ip route bfd