Displaying routes received from a bgp4+ neighbor – Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Routing Configuration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual

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Multi-Service IronWare Routing Configuration Guide


Displaying BGP4+ information

Syntax: show ipv6 bgp neighbor last-packet-with-error

This display shows the following information.

Displaying Outbound Route Filters received from a BGP4+ neighbor

You can display the Outbound Route Filters (ORFs) received from a BGP4+ neighbor. This option
applies to cooperative route filtering feature.

For example, to display the ORFs received from neighbor 2001:db8::110, enter the following

Syntax: show ipv6 bgp neighbor ipv6-address received prefix-filter

The ipv6-address parameter displays the prefix filter learned from a specified neighbor. You must
specify this address in hexadecimal using 16-bit values between colons as documented in RFC

Displaying routes received from a BGP4+ neighbor

You can display a summary or detailed route information received in route updates from a specified
BGP4+ neighbor since you enabled the soft reconfiguration feature.

For example, to display a summary of the route information received in route updates from
neighbor 2001:db8::10, enter the following command at any level of the CLI.


Last error packet information for BGP4+ neighbors

This field...


Total number of BGP Neighbors

The total number of configured neighbors for a device.

Last error

The error packet’s contents decoded in a human-readable format or
notification that no packets with an error were received.

Brocade# show ipv6 bgp neighbor last-packet-with-error

Total number of BGP Neighbors: 266

No received packet with error logged for any neighbor

Brocade# show ipv6 bgp neighbor 2001:db8::110 received prefix-filter

ip prefix-list 2001:db8::110: 4 entries

seq 5 permit 2001:db8:3::45/16 ge 18 le 28

seq 10 permit 2001:db8::4::88/24

seq 15 permit 2001:db8:5::37/8 le 32

seq 20 permit 2001:db8:6::83/16 ge 18