Specify an interface as a pbr next-hop, Show telemetry command – Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Routing Configuration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual

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Multi-Service IronWare Routing Configuration Guide


Configuration examples

Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1)# ip policy route-map map4

Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1)# exit

Brocade(config)# int ve 20

Brocade(config-vif-20)# ip policy route-map map4

Preserve VLAN IDs and replicate to multiple ports
within a VLAN

1. Configure the route map with set policies to preserve VLAN for IPv4 traffic.

Brocade(config)# route-map test permit 100

Brocade(config-routemap test)# match ip address 101

Brocade(config-routemap test)# set next-hop-flood-vlan 200 preserve-vlan

Brocade(config-routemap test)# route-map test permit 300

Brocade(config-routemap test)# exit

2. Apply the route map to physical or VE interface.

Brocade(config)# interface ethernet 3/1

Brocade(config-if-e1000-3/1)# allow-all-vlan pbr

Brocade(config-if-e1000-3/1)# ip policy route-map test

Brocade(config-if-e1000-3/1)# exit

Brocade(config-)# int ve 10

Brocade(config-vif-10)# ip policy route-map test

Specify an interface as a PBR next-hop

Within a route-map instance, there can be only one match statement but multiple set interface
statements. If there are multiple set interface statements configured, the first one in the
configured order will be used to forward traffic. If the actively used interface is down, the next
interface in the configuration order will take over. If the previously down interface comes back up,
the traffic will be reverted to the first interface.

Configure the route map with set policies to preserve VLAN interface.

Brocade(config)# route-map test permit 100

Brocade(config-routemap test)#

set interface ethernet

3/1 preserve vlan

Syntax: set interface ethernet slot/port preserve-vlan

The [no] version of the command removes the set command from the route-map.

Show telemetry command

To display information related to the telemetry configuration, use the show telemetry [detail]
rule-name command.

Brocade(config)# show telemetry rule-name

Syntax: show telemetry [detail] rule-name [rule_name]

The rule_name parameter is the rule name for which the information is to be displayed.

For detail mode output, the list of ports will be fully expanded and displayed if the ports are LAG or
VLAN ports.

For the output VLAN and output ports information, the command will show the active ports or
VLANs that are currently being used for traffic forwarding.