Brocade Network Advisor SAN User Manual v12.1.0 User Manual
Page 797

Brocade Network Advisor SAN User Manual
Viewing and editing encryption group properties
Encryption Group Properties dialog box - Security tab
The dialog box contains the following information:
Master Key Status: Displays the status of the master key. Possible values are:
Not used: Displays when LKM/SSKM is the key vault.
Required but not created: Displays when a master key needs to be created.
Created but not backed up: Displays when the master key needs to be backed up. For
safety, the master key cannot be used until it is backed up.
Created and backed up: Indicates the master key is usable.
Master Key Actions list: Master Key actions are disabled if the master key state is not correct.
Master key actions are:
Create a new master key: Enabled when no master key exists or the previous master key
has been backed up.
Back up a master key: Enabled any time a master key exists.
Restore a master key: Enabled when either no master key exists or the previous master
key has been backed up.
System Cards: Identifies if the use of a system card is required for controlling activation of the
encryption engine. You must indicate if cards are required or not required. If a system card is
required, it must be read by the card reader on the switch.
Authentication Cards, which identifies if one or more authentication cards must be read by a
card reader attached to a Management application PC to enable certain security-sensitive
Authentication Cards quorum size selector: Determines the number of registered
authentication cards needed for a quorum. The number should always be one less than the
actual number registered.
When registering authentication cards, you must register the defined quorum size plus one.