Brocade Network Advisor SAN User Manual v12.1.0 User Manual

Page 1369

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Brocade Network Advisor SAN User Manual


Performance troubleshooting




An error message with the following text
Real Time statistics collection has failed.
Please see master log for details.


To collect data on Virtual Fabric-enabled switches, the Fabric OS user must have
access to all Virtual Fabrics. The SNMPv3 user name must be the same as the Fabric
OS user name. If the SNMPv3 and Fabric OS user names do not match, data is not
collected for the virtual switches with the non-default VF ID. By default, the user
‘admin’ has access to all Virtual Fabrics.
To verify the Fabric OS user (verify Role-LF List), use the following command from the
switch CLI:
sw1:FID128:admin> userconfig --show

Account name: admin

Description: Administrator

Enabled: Yes

Password Last Change Date: Unknown

Password Expiration Date: Not Applicable

Locked: No

Home LF Role: admin

Role-LF List: admin: 1-128

Chassis Role: admin

Home LF: 128


To collect real time data, I/O must be running in the switch. To view the statistics in
the switch, use one of the following command:
FC Ports command from the switch CLI:
Example Sprint-65:root> portperfshow 5

FCIP tunnels: command:
portshow fciptunnel -perf
Example Sprint-65:root> portshow fciptunnel ge0 1 -perf

An error message with the following text
Real Time statistics collection has failed.
Please see master log for details.


To collect performance statistics from a switch, the SNMP security level must be set
correctly in the switch. For example, a secLevel of ‘3’ means “No access” which stops
the management application from collecting performance statistics from the switch.
To show the security level respectively, use the following command from the switch
snmpconfig --show secLevel
snmpconfig --show secLevel

GET security level = 0, SET level = 0

SNMP GET Security Level: No security

SNMP SET Security Level: No security

To set the security level respectively, use the following command from the switch CLI:
snmpconfig --set secLevel
snmpconfig --set secLevel 0

Select SNMP GET Security Level

(0 = No security, 1 = Authentication only, 2 =

Authentication and Privacy, 3 = No Access): (0..3) [0]