Call home alert e-mail messages – Brocade Network Advisor SAN User Manual v12.1.0 User Manual

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Brocade Network Advisor SAN User Manual


Editing a Call Home center


16. Enter an e-mail address in the E-mail Notification Settings - Send To Address field.

For Brocade E-mail Call Home centers, enter [email protected].

17. Click Send Test to test the mail server.

The selected Call Home center must be enabled to test the mail server.

A faked event is generated and sent to the selected Call Home center. You must contact the
Call Home center to verify that the event was received and in the correct format. To see the
content included in an e-mail message, refer to

“Call Home alert e-mail messages”


page 294.

18. Click OK to close the “Test Event Sent” message.

19. Click OK.

The Call Home dialog box displays with the Call Home center you edited highlighted in the Call
Home Centers list.

20. Click OK to close the Call Home dialog box.

Call Home alert e-mail messages

When an event triggers a Call Home alert, an e-mail message is sent to the selected Call Home
center. The e-mail message includes the following information:

E-mail subject line — [Severity - Event_Reason_Code - FRU_Code or Event_Type -
Factory_Serial_Number] Call Home Alert about product IP_Address with support save

A pontential e-mail subject line is shown in the following example:

[3 - 1427 - FW-1427 - AMH0344D006] Call Home Alert about product with
support save information

E-mail content — Provides the following information about the triggered event:


Event Description — Details about the event that triggered the alert. Includes the following

Product WWN

Product IP address


SupportSave location


Management Server Information — Details about the Management server. Includes the
following data:

Server Name

Server IP

Server Version


Contact Information — Customer contact information. Includes the following data:

Customer Name

Contact Name

Phone 1

Phone 2