Maps actions, Fence, Maps actions 7 – Brocade Network Advisor SAN User Manual v12.1.0 User Manual
Page 1224: Status, Sfp marginal, Ras log events

Brocade Network Advisor SAN User Manual
MAPS actions
MAPS actions
MAPS provides actions (event notifications) in several different formats to ensure that event details
are accessible from all platforms and operating systems. In response to an event, MAPS can record
event data as any (or all) of the following alarm options.
To enable MAPS actions, refer to
“Enabling or disabling policy actions for all policies”
page 1179. For example, if you define a rule in the Management application with an SNMP action
and a violation of that rule occurs, the switch with the violation only sends the SNMP trap if you
configured SNMP on that switch.
Status is available for all measures in the Switch Status category and the flash usage measure in
the Resource category.
When a threshold is triggered, the switch status changes to a marginal or critical status icon on the
Dashboard and SAN tabs. Marginal status displays with a yellow icon. Critical status displays with a
red icon.
SFP Marginal
SFP Marginal is available for SFP transceiver measures in the Port category.
When a threshold is triggered, the SFP transceiver status changes to a marginal status icon on the
Dashboard and SAN tabs. Port SFP transceiver measures include Current, Receive Power, Transmit
Power, Voltage, Temperature, and Power On Hours. Marginal status displays with a yellow icon in
the Port Optics dialog box.
RAS log events
Following an event, MAPS adds an entry to the internal event log for an individual switch. The RAS
log stores event information but does not actively send alerts.
Fence the port, if port fencing is enabled. Port fencing takes the ports offline if the user-defined
thresholds are exceeded. Supported port types include physical ports, E_Ports, optical F_Ports
(FOP_Ports), copper F_Ports (FCU_Ports), and Virtual E_Ports (VE_Ports).