Technical support data collection troubleshooting, View all list troubleshooting, View all list troubleshooting 6 – Brocade Network Advisor SAN User Manual v12.1.0 User Manual

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Brocade Network Advisor SAN User Manual


Technical support data collection troubleshooting


Technical support data collection troubleshooting

The following section states a possible issue and the recommended solution for technical support
data collection errors.

View All list troubleshooting

The following section states a possible issue and the recommended solution for View All list errors.



Technical support data collection using
SCP/SFTP does not work because of one of the
following issues:

For internal SCP/SFTP server, the
application was uninstalled and
reinstalled without migration

For external SCP/SFTP server, the SSH
handshake keypair is changed




due to an external server reinstall


due to the SCP/SFTP server
preference (Options dialog box)
being changed from built-in to
external (installed on same machine)
or vice versa

Clear the SSH (SCP/SFTP) server IP address or hostname from the known_hosts table of
the device.

For Fabric OS devices, use the following command:
sw0:FID128:admin> sshutil delknownhost

IP Address/Hostname to be deleted: SSH_server_IP_address
where SSH_server_IP_address is the IP address of the SSH server you want to

For Network OS devices running firmware version 3.0 and later, use the following
sw0# clear ssh-key SSH_server_IP_address
where SSH_server_IP_address is the IP address of the SSH server you want to

For Network OS devices running firmware version 2.1.1b, use the following
sw0# execute-script sshdeleteknownhost

IP Address/Hostname to be deleted: SSH_server_IP_address
where SSH_server_IP_address is the IP address of the SSH server you want to

Technical support data collection using an
external SCP server does not work after
reinstalling the application or the external SCP
server on the Host machine.

Clear the SCP server IP address or hostname from the known_hosts table of the device
using the following command:
sw0# FID10:root> ssh-keygen –R Host_Name
where Host_Name is the IP address or host name of the external SCP server.



View All list does not display.

The View All list does not display until you discover a fabric. To discover a fabric, refer to

“Discovering fabrics”

on page 41.

View All list does not display and there are
discovered fabrics.
If you create a new view ’V1’ that has one
fabric ‘F1’ and you display the new view in the
SAN tab (select V1 from the View All list). Then
you delete the fabric F1 from Discovery, the
View All list no longer displays and the following
messages displays:
View loaded, no devices present in the current
view. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide in
Help (F1) for assistance.

To select another view, select View > Manage View > Display View > View_Name.