Figure 89 – Brocade Network Advisor SAN User Manual v12.1.0 User Manual
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Brocade Network Advisor SAN User Manual
SAN tab overview
Main window - SAN tab
1. Menu bar — Lists commands you can perform on the SAN tab. Some menu items display as
disabled unless you select the correct object from the product list or topology map. For a list of
the many functions available on each menu, refer to
2. SAN main toolbar — Provides buttons that enable quick access to dialog boxes and functions.
For a list of available commands, refer to
3. Dashboard tab — Provides a high-level overview of the network managed by Management
application server. For more information, refer to
4. SAN tab — Displays the Master Log, Minimap, Connectivity Map (topology), and Product List.
5. View All list — Enables you to create, copy, or edit a view, select to how to view the Product list
(All Levels, Products and Ports, Products Only, or Ports Only) and to select which view you want
to display in the main window. For more information, refer to
on page 252. For
step-by-step instruction about creating a view, refer to
6. Port Display buttons — Provides buttons that enable quick access to configuring how ports
display. Not enabled until you discover a fabric or host. For more information, refer to
7. Connectivity Map toolbar — Provides tools for viewing the Connectivity Map as well as exporting
the Connectivity Map as an image. Does not display until you discover a fabric. For more
information, refer to
8. Product List — Lists the devices discovered in the Management application. For more detailed
information, refer to
9. Connectivity Map — Displays the topology, including discovered and monitored devices and
connections. For more information, refer to
10. Master Log — Displays all events that have occurred on the Management application. For more
information, refer to