Brocade Network Advisor SAN User Manual v12.1.0 User Manual

Page 1231

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Brocade Network Advisor SAN User Manual


MAPS actions


Security tab — Rules defined on this tab measure thresholds at the switch level to detect
out of range security changes.

Resource tab — Rules defined on this tab measure thresholds on temperature sensors or
at the chassis level to detect out of range resource usage.

FCIP tab — Rules defined on this tab measure thresholds on FCIP circuits to detect out of
range state, utilization, or packet loss.

Traffic / Flows tab — Rules defined on this tab measure thresholds on ports in the
configured group to detect out of range link utilization or on flows to detect out of range
flow changes.

5. Select one of the following options to name the rule in the Rule Name area.

Select the Auto option (default) to auto-generate the rule name.

The Management application auto-generates a name for the rule based on the rule
parameters (measure, threshold, time base, actions, and group). Auto-generated rule
names use the following naming convention:

For example, AP_CRCL5_M_RxTxxxx, where “AP” is an abbreviation of the group name,
“CRC” is an abbreviation of the selected measure, “L” is the selected logical operator, “5”
is the selected count value, “M” is the selected timebase, and “RxTxxxx” defines the
selected actions.

Logical operators are represented using the following abbreviations: L represents < (less
than), LE represents <= (less than or equal to), G represents > (greater than), GE
represents >= (greater than or equal to), and EQ represents = (equal to).

Timebase durations are represented using the following abbreviations: M represents
minute, H , and hour, and D represents day.

Actions are represented in a bitwise format, where each 'x' represents a possible action
you can configure in a rule. This format uses the following order: raslog (R), fence (F),
SNMP trap (T), e-mail (E), switch critical (C), switch marginal (M), and SFP marginal (S). For
example, if you configure a rule with SNMP trap and RASlog actions, the actions portion of
the rule name would be “RxTxxxx”.

If you are editing an existing rule, you can change the auto-generated rule name by
selecting the Custom option and editing the name in the Custom field.

Select the Custom option to provide a user-defined name and enter a name in the Custom

The rule name can be up to 40 characters and can only contain of alphanumeric and
underscore characters.

6. Select a measure from the Measure list.

Available measures depend on the selected category. For a complete list of categories and the
associated measures and actions, refer to

“MAPS categories, measures, and actions”


page 1166.

7. Select a logical operator from the Threshold list.

Valid values include: < (less than), <= (less than or equal to), > (greater than), >= (greater than
or equal to), or = (equal to).