Launching a remote smia configuration tool, Service location protocol (slp) support – Brocade Network Advisor SAN User Manual v12.1.0 User Manual
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Brocade Network Advisor SAN User Manual
SMI Agent Configuration Tool
Launching a remote SMIA configuration tool
To launch a remote SMIA configuration tool, complete the following steps.
1. Open a web browser and enter the IP address of the Management application server in the
Address bar.
If the web server port number does not use the default (443 if is SSL Enabled; otherwise, the
default is 80), you must enter the web server port number in addition to the IP address. For
example, IP_Address:Web_Server_Port_Number.
The Management application web start screen displays.
2. Click the SMIA configuration tool application web start link.
The Log In dialog box displays.
3. Enter your user name and password.
The defaults are Administrator and password, respectively.
Do not enter Domain\User_Name in the User ID field for LDAP server authentication.
4. Select or clear the Save password check box to choose whether you want the application to
remember your password the next time you log in.
5. Click Login.
The SMIA Configuration Tool dialog box displays
Service Location Protocol (SLP) support
The Management application SMI Agent uses Service Location Protocol (SLP) to allow applications
to discover the existence, location, and configuration of WBEM services in enterprise networks.
You do not need a WBEM client to use SLP discovery to find a WBEM Server; that is, SLP discovery
might already know about the location and capabilities of the WBEM Server to which it wants to
send its requests. In such environments, you do not need to start the SLP component of the
Management application SMI Agent.
However, in a dynamically changing enterprise network environment, many WBEM clients might
choose to use SLP discovery to find the location and capabilities of other WBEM Servers. In such
environments, start the SLP component of the Management application SMI Agent to allow
advertisement of its existence, location, and capabilities.
SLP installation is optional and you can configure it during Management application configuration.
Once installed, SLP starts whenever the Management application SMI Agent starts.