Viewing deployment task detailed information, Formation, see, Viewing deployment task – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

Page 924: Detailed information

background image


Task Type: Identifies whether or not the deployment task was configured to run immediately or was

scheduled for a specific or fixed date and time.

Expected Time: Contains the date and time stamp of the start time of the associated deployment
task's execution.

End Time: Contains the date and time stamp of the end time of the associated deployment task's
completion. This field contains a "-" if the associated task has not been executed.

Result: Contains a summary of the result of the deployment task. The contents of this field serve as
a link for navigating to the Task Result page. This report provides you with a summary of the task

result, cause for failure if the execution of the deployment task failed, and the command that was


Modify: Contains an icon for modifying the configuration parameters of the ACL deployment

task. For more information about modifying an ACL deployment task, see "

Modifying an ACL

deployment task


You can sort the deployment Task List by the Status, Task Name, Creation Time, Creator, Task Type,
Expected Time, End Time and Result fields by clicking the column label to sort the list by the

selected field. The column label is a toggle switch that allows you to toggle between the various

sort options specific to each field.
If the deployment Task List contains multiple entries, the following navigational aids may appear.



to page forward in the deployment Task List.



to page forward to the end of the deployment Task List.



to page backward in the deployment Task List.



to page backward to the front of the deployment Task List.


Click 8, 15, 50, 100, or 200 from the right side of the main pane to configure how many items per
page you want to view.


To filter the deployment Task List by task status, select the task status you want to filter for from the
Task Status list located in the upper right corner of the Task List.

Viewing deployment task detailed information

To view the details of a deployment task:


Navigate to ACL Resource:


Click the Service tab from the tabular navigation system on the top.


Click ACL Management section of the navigation tree on the left.


Click the ACL Deployment link located under ACL Management on the navigation tree on the
The ACL Deployment page appears and the deployment Task List displays in the lower half of
this page.


Click the link in the Task Name field associated with the ACL deployment task you want to view
details for.
The View Task page appears.

The basic information of detailed information

Task Name: Contains the name of the deployment task. Operators can configure the task name
when using the ACL Deployment wizard to deploy an ACL. Otherwise, IMC provides a default task

name that includes a date and time stamp for uniquely identifying deployment tasks.

Description: Contains the description that the creator of this ACL deployment task added.