Asset audit query, Basic query – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
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Device Label: Contains the IMC name for the device, which, by default, is the name assigned to it
in its device configuration. This field also contains the IP address.
The device label serves as an active link for drilling down into the Device Details page, which offers
you convenient access to device management features.
Asset Class: Contains the asset classification for the asset type.
Asset Name: Contains the asset name. The contents of this field serve as an active link for
navigating to the Network Asset Details page. For more information about the Network Asset
Details page, see "
Viewing device level network asset details
At the device level, the asset name is derived from the device label in IMC. Device labels are
derived from sysName if it is configured and if the operator has not manually configured it.
Audit Option: Contains information on the type of change that was discovered in the audit process.
Audit options include Add Asset, Delete Asset, Modify Asset Name, Modify Hardware Version,
Modify Firmware Version, Modify Software Version, Modify Serial Number, Modify Model Name,
Modify Alias, Modify Asset ID, and Modify Building Information.
Before Change: Contains a description of the asset prior to the change.
After Change: Contains a description of the asset after the change.
If the Asset Audit List contains enough entries, the following navigational aids are displayed:
to page forward in the Asset Audit List.
to page forward to the end of the Asset Audit List.
to page backward in the Asset Audit List.
to page backward to the front of the Asset Audit List.
Click 8, 15, 50, 100, or 200 from the right side of the main pane to configure how many items per
page you want to view.
For lists that have more than one page, click 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10… from the bottom right
side of the main pane to jump to a particular page of the list.
You can view asset information only for the devices to which they have been granted management
Asset audit query
You can query the Asset Audit List for audit records for specific devices. You have two options for
querying: a basic query and an advanced query. The following sections provide information on each of
these query methods.
Basic query
To perform a basic query:
Navigate to Resource > Asset Audit.
Click the Resource tab from the tabular navigation system on the top.
Click the Network Assets section of the navigation tree on the left.
Click Asset Audit under Network Assets from the navigation tree on the left. The Asset Audit List
is displayed in the main portion of the Network Assets page.
The Asset Audit Query section of the Network Assets page is located at the top of the main pane.
The Basic Query dialog box is displayed (by default) above the Network Asset list. The link to the
far right is a toggle between Basic Query and Advanced Query. If the link is Advanced Query, then
you are in the Basic Query mode.