H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

Page 493

background image


Note 7: Command called to get the board name, which is defined in the xxxxxx_Builder_Script.xml file.
Note 8: Define the result variable board_number, which provides the result after the following parser
commands are executed.
Note 9: Call the parser function. parserName specifies the parser service name; parserScript specifies

the parser function; parserRet specifies the parser result variable name. You do not need to specify the

parameters for the parser function. The system uses all the returned parameters of the command above
by default.
Note 10: Properties label. All properties under this label are used as the variables in the TCL script of the

following command. To be specific, the TCL script for set_device_boot can use the $board variable, and

the variable is defined by the properties label.
Note 11: Define the board variable. You can reference the board_number value obtained in the previous

step, or specify a value. For example, property name="board" value="slot1".
Note 12: Delete the software.


xxxxxx_Image_Deploy_Builder_Script.xml file format:


to retrieve image in CLI. Command syntax may be incorrect, or prompts

may not be what was expected.



Failed to set boot order in CLI. Command syntax may be incorrect, or prompts

may not be what was expected



Note 1: Scripts label in fixed format.
Note 2: Command name and method. The method can be TFTP or CLI.
Note 3: Error description.
Note 4: Required mode.