H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
Page 40

The Service Logic Layer identifies and forwards the request to the appropriate CSU, in this case
the Resource CSU.
The Resource CSU publishes the Auto Discovery response on the communication bus, which
the common SPL picks up.
The common SPL renders the auto discovery configuration page on the operator's computer.
Enter configuration parameters for the auto discovery and click the Auto Discovery button to begin
the discovery process.
The following workflow applies:
The common SPL publishes the configuration information we entered for the auto discovery on
the communication bus, which is picked up by the Resource CSU.
The Resource CSU initiates the discovery CSU and pushes data through the JDBC interface into
tables in the IMC database using the communication bus.
In addition, the Resource CSU publishes the data to the communication bus, which is picked up
by the common SPL for real time Web updates on the operator's local computer.
The Resource CSU manages these parallel processes of discovery, of pushing and processing
of data to the database, and of updating the operator's Web interface with a current status.
Navigate to the Device View and click All Devices to view a list of all devices.
The following workflow applies:
The navigation prompts the common SPL to publish a request for the All Devices page, which
is picked up and responded to by the Resource CSU.
The Resource CSU publishes a request for data, since IMC views all have dynamic data, which
is picked up by the Data Abstraction Layer.
The Data Abstraction layer responds to the request by publishing a response with current
information from the Data Cache or by initiating a query to the database, if necessary, to
render current real time status information on the All Devices page.
The Resource CSU publishes the response, which the common SPL picks up and displays on the
operator's local computer.
Navigate to the Device Details page for the device by clicking on the link in the Device Label field
from the All Devices list.
The following workflow applies:
The navigation prompts the common SPL to publish the request for the data specific to the
selected device for the Device Details page, which is picked up by the SLL.
The SLL identifies which of the several CSUs should be invoked by the request and forwards the
request to the appropriate CSU, in this case the Resource CSU.
The Resource CSU again publishes a request for data, which is picked up by the Data
Abstraction Layer.
The Data Abstraction Layer responds to the request by initiating a query to the database to
render the Device Details information for the requested device.
The Data Abstraction Layer publishes the response, which is picked up by the Resource CSU
and published on the communication bus, which the Service Logical Layer picks up and
displays on the operator's local computer.
From the Device Details page, click the Interface List to drill down into the list of interfaces for the
selected device and from there click on the interface to shut down.
The following workflow applies: