H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

Page 452

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To access network asset details:


Navigate to Resource > Network Assets.


Click the Resource tab from the tabular navigation system on the top.


Click the Network Assets section of the navigation tree on the left.


Click Network Assets under Network Assets from the navigation tree on the left. The Network
Asset List is displayed in the main portion of the Network Assets page.


Click the link in the Asset Name field for the device you want to view asset details for. The Network
Asset Details page is displayed for the selected.

Viewing network asset details

The Network Asset Details page contains network assets, Device Information, and Net Asset

Information. Network asset information includes all asset information such as device chassis and
Click Hide Non Physical Asset to display only physical assets and hide all non-physical assets.
Click Show Non Physical Asset to display all assets. Device Information contains two links, Device

Label and Interface List for entering the Device Details page and Interface List page. Net asset

information for network devices includes IMC specific device information and information
gathered from the asset by IMC.
Information about the device and its components that is gathered from it includes Asset Name,
Asset Class, Asset Description, Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, FRU, Asset Number, Asset

OID, Physical Asset, Alias, Manufacture Date, Building Version, Hardware Version, Firmware

Version/Boot ROM, Software Version, Card Serial Number, BOM Code, CLEI Code, Location,

Department, Maintainer Contact Info and Remarks. IMC displays this information if it can be
polled from the asset.
Some of the fields in the Network Asset Details page include:

Device Label: Contains the IMC name for the device, which by default is the name assigned to it in
its device configuration. This field also contains the IP address. The device label serves as an active

link for drilling down into the Device Details page, which offers you convenient access to device

management features.

Asset Name: Contains the asset name. At the device level, the asset name is derived from the device
label in IMC. IMC populates the device label value with the sysName if it has been configured on
the device and if the operator has not manually changed the device label in IMC.

Asset Class: Contains the asset classification for the asset type.

Asset Description: Contains a description for the asset. If the asset is a device, this field contains the
device label. If it is a component, it contains the system description or sysDescr provided by the

vendor if this information is available.

Service Time: Contains the date and time stamp marking the start date of the asset's time in service.

Maintenance Expiration Date: Expiration date of the asset's maintenance contract.

Remaining Maintenance: Time remaining before expiration of the asset's maintenance contract.
This value equals Maintenance Expiration Date minus the current time.

Last Poll Time: Contains the date and time stamp for the asset audit that captured the current
You can view asset information only for the devices to which they have been granted management

Viewing audit history