Creating a user-defined trap to alarm rule – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

Page 672

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Rule Description: Provides a general description of the rule. System generated rules contains the

value "default rule" in this field while you can provide descriptions for user defined rules that lets
you identify the purpose of rules you have created.

Type: Identifies the creator of the rule -- system defined or operator (user) defined.

Status: Provides a current status of the rule and the ability to enable or disable a rule.

Modify: Provides you with a link for modifying the associated rule.

Copy: Provides you with a link for copying an existing rule to serve as a foundation for a user
defined or operator defined rule.
You can sort the Trap to Alarm List by the Rule Name, Rule Description, Type, and Status fields.
Click the column label to sort the list by the selected field. The column label is a toggle switch that

lets you toggle between the various sort options specific to each field.


Click 8, 15, 50, 100, or 200 from the right side of the main pane to configure how many items per
page you want to view:



to page forward in the Trap to Alarm List.



to page forward to the end of the Trap to Alarm List.



to page backward in the Trap to Alarm List.



to page backward to the front of the Trap to Alarm List.


For Trap to Alarm Lists that have more than one page, click 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 from the bottom right
side of the main pane to jump to a particular page of the trap list.

Creating a user-defined trap to alarm rule

To create a user defined trap to alarm rule:


Navigate to Trap to Alarm.


Click the Alarm tab from the tabular navigation system on the top.


Click Trap Management on the navigation tree on the left.


Click Trap to Alarm under Trap Management from the navigation tree on the left.


Click Add.


Enter a unique name in the Rule Name field.


Enter a description in the Rule Description field.


Click the checkbox to the left of Keywords if you want to add a keyword to this trap to alarm
Keywords can be any word found in the Selected Keywords field of a trap.


Select the logical operator you want to use for this rule from the Logical Combination list. If you

select AND, an alarm is generated when all keywords in the Selected Keywords field are matched.
If you select OR, an alarm is generated when any keyword in the Selected Keywords field is

matched. Only one logical operator can be used in a rule. This parameter is meaningful only if you

add more than one keyword.


Select the keyword condition from the Keyword list. Select Yes if want the trap to contain the
keyword. Select No if you want to alarm on traps that do not contain the keyword.


Enter the keyword you want to match on in the Keyword field to the right of the Keyword list.
The total number of characters of all the keywords cannot exceed 256.


Click Add to add the keyword condition and keyword to the Selected Keywords for the trap to
generate an alarm.