H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

Page 369

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The RMON Event Group provides you with the ability to define the events that generate event log entries

and send SNMP traps to a management workstation. Events can originate from a crossed threshold on
any RMON variable.
Viewing RMON event group details
To view RMON Event Group details for the selected device from the Device Details page:


Click the RMON link located under the Device Management section of the right navigation tree on
the selected device's Device Details page.


Click the Event Group tab located at the top of the RMON Stat Group page.
IMC displays all RMON event group entries in the Event Group list displayed in the main pane of
the RMON Event Group page.

RMON event group list

Event Index: Contains a unique index for the associated event instance.

Description: Contains a description for the event.

Type: Identifies the action that is taken by the RMON agent when an event has occurred: Log to an
event log, send an SNMP trap or both.

Trap Community: Contains the community string of the trap destination device. This value is

included in the trap that is sent to the management station receiving the trap. This value must match
the Trap community string setting on the management station.

Last Trigger Time: Contains the date and time stamp for the last occurrence of an event.

Owner: Contains the name of the owner of the RMON statistics collection that is configured when
you add the interface to Event Group collection.

Status: Indicates whether or not the event instance is active.
If the RMON Event Group list contains multiple entries, the following navigational aids may



to page forward in the RMON Event Group list.



to page forward to the end of the RMON Event Group list.



to page backward in the RMON Event Group list.



to page backward to the front of the RMON Event Group list.


Click 8, 15, 50, 100, or 200 from the right side of the main pane to configure how many items per
page you want to view.
You can only view devices that they have been granted management access to.

Adding RMON event group entries
To add event instances for the RMON Event Group for the selected device from the Device Details page:


Click the RMON link located under the Device Management section of the right navigation tree on
the selected device's Device Details page.


Click the Event Group tab located at the top of the RMON Stat Group page.
IMC displays all RMON event group entries in the RMON Event Group list displayed in the main
pane of the RMON Event Group page.


Click Add.


Enter a description for this event in the Description field.


Select the action to be taken for this event from the Type list.