H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

Page 625

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Included: A match occurs if the device configuration contains the match patterns of the rule.

Excluded: A match occurs if the device configuration does not contain the match patterns of the rule.


Select the match criteria from the Match Criteria list. This option is available when the check type
is Link or Aggregate Link. Four options provided for the advanced rule type are described below:

Contain all: A match occurs when both ends of a link have the match patterns of the rule in their
configuration files.

Contain none of them: A match occurs when both ends of a link do not have the match patterns of
the rule in their configuration files.

Contain one of them: A match occurs when at least one end of a link has the match patterns of the
rule in its configuration file.

Contain all but one: A match occurs when at least one end of a link does not have the match
patterns of the rule in its configuration file.


Enter the pattern or regular expression in the Match Patterns field.


Click Add to add it to the rule.


To add a new pattern, select the logical operator from the Rule Relation list:
Options include AND and OR.


If you choose AND, the two adjacent patterns must both comply with the policy.


If you choose OR, only one of the two adjacent patterns must comply with the policy.

IMC checks contents against the match patters in sequence. You can have more than two patterns
for one rule and use more than one logical operator in a given rule.


Select the match mode from the Match Mode list. If the check type is Link or Aggregate Link, select
the match criteria from the Match Criteria list.


Enter the pattern or regular expression.


Click Add to add the pattern to the rule.


Repeat Steps 31-38 to add more patterns to the rule in the Match Patterns field.


Enter a match pattern or regular expression for the rule in the text box next to Match Patterns. If the
check type selected is not Link or Aggregate Link, go to Step 50.


Select a comparison type from the Comparison Type list. Options include the following.

All equal to: IMC uses the match pattern entered in Step 40 to retrieve the target value from both

devices on a link, and compares the retrieved value to the value entered in Step 42. If they match
for both devices, both devices are matched; otherwise, both devices are violated.

All not equal to: IMC uses the match pattern entered in Step 40 to retrieve the target value from both
devices on a link, and compares the retrieved value to the value entered in Step 42. If no match is

found for both devices, both devices are matched; otherwise, both devices are violated.

One of them equal to: IMC uses the match pattern entered in Step 40 to retrieve the target value
from both devices on a link, and compares the retrieved value to the value entered in Step 42. If they

match for both devices, both devices are matched; otherwise, both devices are violated.

One of them not equal to: IMC uses the match pattern entered in Step 40 to retrieve the target value
from both devices on a link, and compares the retrieved value to the value entered in Step 42. If no

match is found for both devices, both devices are matched; otherwise, both devices are violated.

All Identical: IMC uses the match pattern entered in Step 40 to retrieve the target value from both
devices on a link, and compares the values of the two devices. If they match, both devices are

matched; otherwise, both devices are violated.