Viewing check task details – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

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and a task in Disabled state is not. Only periodic check tasks can be in Enabled or Disabled state.

A task being executed is in Running state.

Task Name: Contains name of the check task. Clicking on a check task name link, you enter the
check task details page.

Execute Task: Contains type of the check task, which can be Periodically or Immediately. A
Periodically task is executed periodically as scheduled. An Immediately task is executed

immediately, but only once.

Creation Time: Contains time when the check task was created.

Operation: Indicates whether the task is enabled ( Disabled) or disabled ( Enabled) when the
task is periodic, and lets you disable or enable the task by clicking the status link. For a task in

Running or Finished state, nothing is displayed in this field.

Check Results: Highest violation level of the device. Violation levels are set when you create a rule.
When you move the pointer over a violation level name, a popup window displays, showing the
counts of each violation level. You can click the level name link to enter the Task Execution Results


Fix: Click the

link to enter the page for fixing violations. For more information about violation

fixing, see

Fixing violating devices


Modify: Contains a link for modifying the associated check task. This link is displayed when the
value of the Execute Task field is Periodically. For more information, see "

Modifying a check task


Copy: Click the Copy icon

to copy the associated check task. The policy information and device

information of the current task can be copied. Based on the copied information, you can create a

new check task. For more information, see "

Copying a check task


History: Contains a link for checking the execution results and history of the check task. When you
click the

link, a menu appears, providing three options: Task Check Results (Compliance Policy),

Task Check Results (Device), and Task History. If the device is compliant with the policy, only the

Task History option appears on the menu. The Task Check Results (Compliance Policy) option shows

you the check results in policy view for analysis from the compliance policy's perspective. The Task
Check Results (Device) option shows you the check results in device view for analysis from the

device's perspective. For more information about the check result reports, see "

Task execution

results, task execution report, and configuration retrieval report


If the Task List contains enough entries, the following navigational aids appear:



to page forward in the Task List.



to page forward to the end of the Task List.



to page backward in the Task List.



to page backward to the front of the Task List.


Click 8, 15, 50, 100, or 200 from the right side of the main pane to configure how many items per

page you want to view.
You can sort the Task List by the Status, Task Name, Execute Task, and Creation Time fields. Click
the column label to sort the list by the selected field. The column label is a toggle switch that lets you

toggle between the various sort options specific to each field.

Viewing check task details

To view check task details:


Navigate to Service > Check Task.


Click the Service tab from the tabular navigation system on the top.