View task execution results – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

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Compliance Policy Check Results lets you view the execution result of a check task in a policy

compliance report, which shows the check result of the rules in each policy contained in the check

Device Violating Results lets you view the execution result of a check task in a device violation report,
which shows the check result of the task on each device and information about the unchecked


Configuration Check Report lets you view the execution report of a check task. The report shows the
policy compliance and the check result of each rule.

Configuration Retrieval Report lets you view the get report after execution of a check task. The
report shows the result of each rule on all devices associated with the check policy.

The following reports are described in detail:

Task Execution Results

Compliance Policy Check Results

Device Violating Results

Configuration Check Report

Configuration Retrieval Report

View task execution results

To view task execution results:


Navigate to Service > Check Task.


Click the Service tab from the tabular navigation system on the top.


Click the Compliance Center on the navigation tree on the left.


Click Check Task under Compliance Center from the navigation system on the left.

The Task List appears.


Click the violation level link in the Check Results column to enter the Task Execution Results page.
The check task information is displayed on the upper left part of the report.

Task Name: Contains the name of the check task.

Creator: Contains the operator that created the check task.

Violating Devices: Contains the number of violating devices.

Vulnerability Sum: Contains the number of violations.

Task Description: Contains a description for the check task.
The information is displayed on the upper right part of the report.
The lower part of the report contains four areas: Device Check Information, Compliance Policy
Check Information, Severity Level, and Level Description.

Device Check Information
Number of violations for each device and for each violation severity level is displayed in a form.


Click the device name link to enter the Device Violating Results page.

Task Name: Contains the name of the check task.

Check Time: Contains the time when the device violated the compliance policy.

Task Description: Contains a description for the check task.
The Device Check Information area displays the detailed information about compliance policy

violation by device: