H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
Page 371

to page forward to the end of the Invalid Event Item list.
to page backward in the Invalid Event Item list.
to page backward to the front of the Invalid Event Item list.
Click 8, 15, 50, 100, or 200 from the right side of the main pane to configure how many items per
page you want to view.
You can only view devices that they have been granted management access to.
Managing the RMON extension alarm group
The RMON Extension Alarm Group is an extension to the RMON Alarm Group developed by HP,
designed to support alarm configuration for a single object as well as for the object expression. This
group also supports interface configuration and configurations for any valid index instance value. With
the extension alarm group management, you can add or delete an RMON extension alarm group,
refresh the data for the current group's view and view invalid RMON extension alarm groups.
Viewing RMON extension alarm group details
To view RMON Extension Alarm Group details for the selected device from the Device Details page:
Click the RMON link located under the Device Management section of the right navigation tree on
the selected device's Device Details page.
Click the Extension Alarm Group tab located at the top of the RMON Stat Group page.
IMC displays all RMON extension alarm group entries in the Extension Alarm Group list in the
main pane of the RMON Extension Alarm Group page.
Extension alarm group list
Index: Contains unique index values for the associated alarm. If a MIB object contains more
than one entry, indexes are used to uniquely identify each entry.
Item: Contains the metric that is measured by this alarm instance.
Sampling Object Expression: Several formulas composed of OIDs and arithmetic expressions
are provided in the Extension Alarm Group. Alarms are generated based on the results of the
Port: Contains port name/description for the associated interface.
Alarm Sampling Type: Identifies how the value of the sample to be measured. There are three
sampling types: absolute, delta, and speed sampling. Absolute sampling measures the current
sampling value accumulated since the system started up. Delta sampling, also referred to as
comparative or relative sampling, measures the value by subtracting the last absolute sampling
value from the current absolute sampling value. Speed sampling refers to the delta sampling
value per unit of time, that is, the delta sampling value divided by the sampling interval.
Interval (second): Contains the amount, in seconds, of time between polls.
Alarm Value: Contains the value for the most recent sample.
Alarm Startup Type: Contains the type of threshold being used by the alarm instance. Three
alarm startup types are available: allowing rising and falling alarms, allowing rising alarms
and allowing falling alarms.
Rising Threshold: Contains the rising threshold value. A rising threshold defines the value that
the sampled value must exceed in order to generate an alarm.
Falling Threshold: Contains the falling threshold value. A falling threshold defines the value that
the sampled value must fall below in order to generate an alarm.
Rising Event Index: Contains the index for a rising event.