Power input failure – Basler Electric DECS-250N User Manual
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9440500990 Rev D
Figure 38. Exciter Diode Monitor Protection Settings
EDM Pole Ratio: Adjustable from 0 to 10 in 0.01 increments.
Open Diode Pickup Level (%): Adjustable from 0 to 100% in 0.1% increments.
Shorted Diode Pickup Level (%): Adjustable from 0 to 100% in 0.1% increments.
Open Diode Delay (s): Adjustable from 10 to 60 seconds in 0.1 second increments.
Shorted Diode Delay (s): Adjustable from 5 to 30 seconds in 0.1 second increments.
Disable Level (%): Adjustable from 0 to 100% in 0.1% increments.
Mode: Select Disabled or Enabled.
Setting the Pickup Level—Number of Generator Poles Unknown
The DECS-250N can detect shorted diode conditions when the number of generator poles is not known.
To provide this protection, disable open diode protection, set the pole ratio at zero, and enable shorted
diode protection. Multiply the maximum EDM ripple level, obtained under Finding the Maximum Field
Ripple Current, by 30. The multiplier can be varied between 20 and 40 to increase or decrease the pickup
margin. However, reducing the multiplier could result in nuisance shorted diode indications.
Testing the EDM Settings
Start the generator from rest and increase the speed and voltage to the rated value. Load the machine to
its rating and confirm that no failed diode annunciations occur. All of the EDM setup guidelines presented
here assume that the exciter diodes were not opened or shorted at the time of setup and testing.
Power Input Failure
A power input failure condition exists when any one of the following occurs:
1-Phase Operating Power
When operating power decreases below 50 Vac, a power input failure condition exists.
3-Phase Operating Power
All three phases of operating power decrease below 50 Vac
One or more phases of operating power decreases below 10 Vac
A phase-to-phase voltage imbalance greater than 20% exists at the operating power input
The DECS-250N settings must be properly set to match the active operating power configuration. For
example, if the DECS-250N settings reflect a 3-phase power configuration but the actual operating power
configuration is 1-phase then the DECS-250N will interpret the one phase as an imbalance and set an
alarm/trip. For more information on 1- and 3-phase operating power settings see Configuration and
Power input failure protection can be used for PMG applications, shunt-, or PMG-powered systems. This
protection is only active in Start mode and after soft start. A time delay setting
delays power input failure
annunciations to accommodate transient reductions/imbalances in the operating power input voltage.
Power input failure protection can be enabled and disabled
without altering the time delay setting. The