Dreamweaver workflow and workspace, Dreamweaver workflow overview – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 v.13 User Manual
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Dreamweaver workflow and workspace
The user interface has been simplified in Dreamweaver CC and later. As a result, you may not find some of the options described in this article in
Dreamweaver CC and later. For more information, see
Dreamweaver workflow overview
Workspace layout overview
Workspace elements overview
Document window overview
Document toolbar overview
Standard toolbar overview
Style Rendering toolbar overview
Browser Navigation toolbar overview
Coding toolbar overview
Status bar overview
Property inspector overview
Insert panel overview
Files panel overview
CSS Styles panel overview
Visual guides overview
GoLive users
Dreamweaver workflow overview
You can use several approaches to create a website. This is one approach:
Plan and set up your site
Determine where the files will go and examine site requirements, audience profiles, and site goals. Additionally, consider technical requirements
such as user access, as well as browser, plug-in, and download restrictions. After you’ve organized your information and determined a structure,
you can begin creating your site. (See
Organize and manage your site files
In the Files panel you can easily add, delete, and rename files and folders to change the organization as needed. The Files panel also has many
tools for managing your site, transferring files to and from a remote server, setting up a Check In/Check Out process to prevent files from being
overwritten, and synchronizing the files on your local and remote sites. From the Assets panel, you can easily organize the assets in a site; you
can then drag most assets directly from the Assets panel into a Dreamweaver document. You can also use Dreamweaver to manage aspects of
your Adobe Contribute sites. (See
Lay out your web pages
Choose the layout technique that works for you, or use the Dreamweaver layout options in conjunction with one another to create your site’s look.
You can use Dreamweaver AP elements, CSS positioning styles, or predesigned CSS layouts to create your layout. The table tools let you design
pages quickly by drawing and then rearranging the page structure. If you want to display multiple elements at once in a browser, you can use
frames to lay out your documents. Finally, you can create new pages based on a Dreamweaver template, then update the layout of those pages
automatically when the template changes. (See
and Laying out pages with HTML.)
Add content to pages