Automating tasks – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 v.13 User Manual

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Automating tasks

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Task automation
Use the History panel
Repeat steps
Apply steps in the History panel to objects
Copy and paste steps between documents
Create and use commands from history steps
Record and save commands

Note: The user interface has been simplified in Dreamweaver CC and later. As a result, you may not find some of the options described in this
article in Dreamweaver CC and later. For more information, see

this article


Task automation

The History panel records the steps you take when you complete a task. Automate a frequently performed task by replaying those steps from the
History panel or creating a new command that performs the steps automatically.

Certain mouse movements, such as selecting by clicking in the Document window, can’t be played back or saved. When you make such a
movement, a black line appears in the History panel (the line does not become obvious until you perform another action). To avoid this, use the
arrow keys instead of the mouse to move the insertion point within the Document window

Some other steps also aren’t repeatable, such as dragging a page element to somewhere else on the page. When you perform such a step, an
icon with a small red X appears in the History panel.

Saved commands are retained permanently (unless you delete them), while recorded commands are discarded when you exit from
Adobe® Dreamweaver®, and copied sequences of steps are discarded when you copy something else

Use the History panel

The History panel (Window > History) shows a list of the steps you’ve performed in the active document since you created or opened that
document (but not steps you’ve performed in other frames, in other Document windows, or in the Site panel). Use the History panel to undo
multiple steps at once and to automate tasks.

A. Slider (thumb) B. Steps C. Replay button D. Copy Steps button E. Save As Command button

The slider, or thumb, in the History panel initially points to the last step that you performed.

Note: You can’t rearrange the order of steps in the History panel. Don’t think of the History panel as an arbitrary collection of commands; think of
it as a way to view the steps you’ve performed, in the order in which you performed them.

Undo the last step

Do one of the following:

Select Edit > Undo.

Drag the History panel slider up one step in the list.

Note: To scroll automatically to a particular step, you must click to the left of the step; clicking the step itself selects the step. Selecting a
step is different from going back to that step in your undo history.


This manual is related to the following products: