Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 v.13 User Manual
Page 674
Insert panel, you can drag the icon to the Document window (or to the Code view window if you are working in the code).
Select Insert > Image.
Drag an image from the Assets panel (Window > Assets) to the desired location in the Document window; then skip to step 3.
Drag an image from the Files panel to the desired location in the Document window; then skip to step 3.
Drag an image from the desktop to the desired location in the Document window; then skip to step 3.
2. In the dialog box that appears, do one of the following:
Select File System to choose an image file.
Select Data Source to choose a dynamic image source.
Click the Sites And Servers button to choose an image file in a remote folder of one of your Dreamweaver sites.
3. Browse to select the image or content source you want to insert.
If you are working in an unsaved document, Dreamweaver generates a file:// reference to the image file. When you save the document
anywhere in the site, Dreamweaver converts the reference to a document-relative path.
When inserting images it’s also possible to use an absolute path to an image that resides on a remote server (i.e., an image that is
not available on the local hard drive). If you experience performance problems while working, however, you might want to disable viewing the
image in Design view by deselecting Commands > Display External Files.
4. Click OK. The Image Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog box appears if you have activated the dialog box in Preferences (Edit >
5. Enter values in the Alternate Text and Long Description text boxes, and click OK.
In the Alternate Text box, enter a name or brief description for the image. The screen reader reads the information you enter here. You
should limit your entry to around 50 characters. For longer descriptions, consider providing a link, in the Long Description text box, to a
file that gives more information about the image.
In the Long Description box, enter the location of a file that displays when the user clicks the image or click the folder icon to browse to
the file. This text box provides a link to a file that is related to, or gives more information about, the image.
You can enter information in one or both text boxes depending on your needs. The screen reader reads the Alt attribute for the
If you click Cancel, the image appears in the document, but Dreamweaver does not associate accessibility tags or attributes with it.
6. In the Property inspector (Window > Properties), set properties for the image.
Set image properties
The Images Property inspector allows you to set properties for an image. If you do not see all of the image properties, click the expander arrow in
the lower-right corner.