Work with design notes – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 v.13 User Manual

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Associate Design Notes with files

You can create a Design Notes file for each document or template in your site. You can also create Design Notes for applets, ActiveX controls,
images, Flash content, Shockwave objects, and image fields in your documents.

Note: If you add Design Notes to a template file, documents you create with the template do not inherit the Design Notes.

1. Do one of the following:

Open the file in the Document window and select File > Design Notes.

In the Files panel, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the file, and select Design Notes.

Note: If the file resides in a remote site, you must first check out or get the file, and then select it in the local folder.

2. In the Basic Info tab, select a status for the document from the Status menu.

3. Click the date icon (above the Notes box) to insert the current local date in your notes.

4. Type comments in the Notes box.

5. Select Show When File Is Opened to make the Design Notes file appear every time the file is opened.

6. In the All Info tab, click the Plus (+) button to add a new key-value pair; select a pair and click the Minus (–) button to remove it.

For example, you might name a key Author (in the Name box) and define the value as Heidi (in the Value box).

7. Click OK to save the notes.

Dreamweaver saves your notes to a folder called _notes, in the same location as the current file. The filename is the document’s filename,
plus the extension .mno. For example, if the filename is index.html, the associated Design Notes file is named index.html.mno.

Work with Design Notes

After you associate a Design Note with a file, you can open the Design Note, change its status, or delete it.

Open Design Notes associated with a file

Do one of the following to open the Design Notes:

Open the file in the Document window, then select File > Design Notes.

In the Files panel, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the file, then select Design Notes.

In the Notes column of the Files panel, double-click the yellow Design Notes icon.

Note: To show the yellow Design Notes icons, select Site > Manage Sites > [your site name] > Edit > Advanced Settings > File View
Columns. Select Notes in the list panel and choose the Show option. When you click the Expand button on the Files toolbar to show both the
local and remote site, you have a Notes column in your local site that shows a yellow note icon for any file with a Design Note.

Assign a custom Design Notes status

1. Open Design Notes for a file or object (see the previous procedure).

2. Click the All Info tab.

3. Click the Plus (+) button.

4. In the Name field, enter the word status.

5. In the Value field, enter the status.

If a status value already existed, it’s replaced with the new one.

6. Click the Basic Info tab and note that the new status value appears in the Status pop-up menu.

Note: You can have only one custom value in the status menu at a time. If you follow this procedure again, Dreamweaver replaces the
status value you entered the first time with the new status value you enter.

Delete unassociated Design Notes from your site

1. Select Site > Manage Sites.

2. Select the site and click Edit.

3. In the Site Definition dialog box, select Design Notes from the category list on the left.

4. Click the Clean Up button.

Dreamweaver prompts you to verify that it should delete any Design Notes that are no longer associated with a file in your site.

If you use Dreamweaver to delete a file that has an associated Design Notes file, Dreamweaver deletes the Design Notes file too; so usually
orphan Design Notes files occur only if you delete or rename a file outside of Dreamweaver.

Note: If you deselect the Maintain Design Notes option before you click Clean Up, Dreamweaver deletes all Design Notes files for your site.

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