Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 v.13 User Manual
Page 473
jQuery (CS5.5 and later)
JavaScript (includes custom class hinting)
Display a code hints menu
The code hints menu appears automatically as you type in Code view. But you can also display the code hints menu manually, without typing.
1. In Code view (Window > Code), place the insertion point inside a tag.
2. Press Control+Spacebar.
Insert code in Code view by using code hints
1. Type the beginning of a piece of code. For example, to insert a tag, type a right angle bracket (<). To insert an attribute, place the insertion
point immediately after a tag name and press Spacebar.
A list of items (such as tag names or attribute names) appears.
To close the list at any time, press Esc.
2. Scroll through the list by using the scroll bar or the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys.
3. To insert an item from the list, double-click it, or select it and press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh).
If a recently created CSS style doesn’t appear in a code hints list of CSS styles, select Refresh Style List from the code hints list. If
Design view is visible, sometimes invalid code appears in Design view temporarily after you select Refresh Style List. To remove that
invalid code from Design view, press F5 to refresh after you finish inserting the style.
4. To insert a closing tag, type (slash).
Note: By default, Dreamweaver determines when a closing tag is needed and inserts if automatically. You can change this default behavior
so that Dreamweaver inserts a closing tag after you type the final angle bracket (>) of the opening tag. Alternatively, the default behavior can
be to insert no closing tag at all. Select Edit > Preferences > Code Hints, and then select one of the Close Tags options.
Edit a tag by using code hints
To replace an attribute with a different attribute, delete the attribute and its value. Then add an attribute and its value as described in the
previous procedure.
To change a value, delete the value, and then add a value as described in the previous procedure.
Refreshing JavaScript code hints
Dreamweaver automatically refreshes the list of available code hints as you work in JavaScript files. For example, suppose you are working in a
primary HTML file and switch to a JavaScript file to make a change. That change is reflected in the list of code hints when you return to the
primary HTML file. However, automatic updating works only if you edit your JavaScript files in Dreamweaver.
If you edit your JavaScript files outside Dreamweaver, press Control+period to refresh the JavaScript code hints.
Code hinting and syntax errors
Code hints sometimes don’t work properly if Dreamweaver detects syntax errors in your code. Dreamweaver alerts you to syntax errors by
displaying information about them in a bar at the top of the page. The Syntax Error Information Bar displays the first line of code on which
Dreamweaver encounters the error. As you fix errors, Dreamweaver continues to display any errors that occur later.
Dreamweaver provides additional help by highlighting (in red) the line numbers where syntax errors occur. The highlight appears in the Code view
of the file that contains the error.
Dreamweaver displays syntax errors not only for the current page but also for related pages. For example, suppose you are working on an HTML
page that uses an included JavaScript file. If the included file contains an error, Dreamweaver displays an alert for the JavaScript file as well. You
can easily open the related file containing the error by clicking its name at the top of the document.
You can disable the Syntax Error Information Bar by clicking the Syntax Error Alerts button in the Coding toolbar.
Set code hints preferences
You can change default preferences for code hints. For example, if you don’t want to show CSS property names or Spry code hints, you can
deselect them in code hints preferences. You can also set preferences for code hint delay time and closing tags.
Even if code hints are disabled, you can still display a pop-up hint in Code view by pressing Control+Spacebar.
1. Select Edit > Preferences.