Define css style border properties – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 v.13 User Manual
Page 156
Width and Height
Same For All
Same For All
Same For All
2. Double-click an existing rule or property in the top pane of the CSS Styles panel.
3. In the CSS Rule Definition dialog box, select Box, and set any of the following style properties. (Leave the property blank if it is not important
to the style.)
Sets the width and height of the element.
Specifies the side around which other elements flow around the floated element. The floated element is fixed to the float side and
other contents flow around it on the opposite side.
For example, an image that is floated right is fixed to the right, and content that you add later flows to the left of the image.
For more information, see
Specifies the sides of an element that do not allow other floating elements.
Specifies the amount of space between the content of an element and its border (or margin if there is no border). Deselect the
Same For All option to set the padding for individual sides of the element.
Sets the same padding properties to the Top, Right, Bottom, and Left of the element to which it is applied.
Specifies the amount of space between the border of an element (or the padding if there is no border) and another element.
Dreamweaver displays this attribute in the Document window only when it is applied to block-level elements (paragraphs, headings, lists, and
so on). Deselect Same For All to set the margin for individual sides of the element.
Sets the same margin properties to the Top, Right, Bottom, and Left of the element to which it is applied.
4. When you are finished setting these options, select another CSS category on the left side of the panel to set additional style properties, or
click OK.
Define CSS style border properties
Use the Border category of the CSS Rule Definition dialog box to define settings, such as width, color, and style, for the borders around elements.
1. Open the CSS Styles panel (Shift+F11) if it isn’t already open.
2. Double-click an existing rule or property in the top pane of the CSS Styles panel.
3. In the CSS Rule Definition dialog box, select Border, and set any of the following style properties. (Leave the property blank if it is not
important to the style.)
Sets the style appearance of the border. The way the style appears depends on the browser. Deselect Same For All to set the border
style for individual sides of the element.
Sets the same border style properties to the Top, Right, Bottom, and Left of the element to which it is applied.
Sets the thickness of the element’s border. The Width attribute is supported by both browsers. Deselect Same For All to set the
border width for individual sides of the element.