Rename a template, Change a template description, Manually update documents based on templates – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 v.13 User Manual
Page 532: Update templates in a contribute site
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh), then select Templates > Open Attached Template.
3. Modify the contents of the template.
To modify the template’s page properties, select Modify > Page Properties. (Documents based on a template inherit the template’s
page properties.)
4. Save the template. Dreamweaver prompts you to update pages based on the template.
5. Click Update to update all documents based on the modified template; click Don’t Update if you don’t want to update documents based on
the modified template.
Dreamweaver displays a log indicating the files that were updated.
Rename a template
1. In the Assets panel (Window > Assets), select the Templates category on the left side of the panel
2. Click the name of the template to select it.
3. Click the name again so that the text is selectable, then enter a new name.
This method of renaming works in the same way as renaming a file in Windows Explorer (Windows) or the Finder (Macintosh). As with
Windows Explorer and the Finder, be sure to pause briefly between clicks. Do not double-click the name, because that opens the template
for editing.
4. Click in another area of the Asset panel, or press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh) for the change to take effect.
An alert asks if you want to update documents that are based on this template.
5. To update all documents in the site that are based on this template, click Update. Click Don’t Update if you do not want to update any
document based on this template.
Change a template description
The template description appears in the New Document dialog box when you’re creating a page from an existing template.
1. Select Modify > Templates > Description.
2. In the Template Description dialog box, edit the description and click OK.
Manually update documents based on templates
When you make a change to a template, Dreamweaver prompts you to update the documents based on the template, but you can manually
update the current document or the entire site if necessary. Manually updating template-based documents is the same as reapplying the template.
Apply template changes to the current template-based document
1. Open the document in the Document window.
2. Select Modify > Templates > Update Current Page.
Dreamweaver updates the document with any template changes.
Update the entire site or all documents that use a specified template
You can update all the pages in the site, or only update pages for a specific template.
1. Select Modify > Templates > Update Pages.
2. In the Look In menu, do one of the following:
To update all the files in the selected site to their corresponding templates, select Entire Site, then select the site name from the adjacent
pop-up menu.
To update files for a specific template, select Files That Use, then select the template name from the adjacent pop-up menu.
3. Make sure Templates is selected in the Update option.
4. If you don’t want to see a log of the files Dreamweaver updates, deselect the Show Log option; otherwise, leave that option selected.
5. Click Start to update the files as indicated. If you selected the Show Log option, Dreamweaver provides information about the files it attempts
to update, including information on whether they were updated successfully.
6. Click Close.
Update templates in a Contribute site
Contribute users can’t make changes to a Dreamweaver template. You can, however, use Dreamweaver to change a template for a Contribute site