Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 v.13 User Manual
Page 316

especially if you use the panel’s Current mode.
Style a Validation Radio Group widget (general instructions)
1. Open the SpryValidationRadio.css file.
2. Locate the CSS rule for the part of the widget to change. For example, to change the background color of the Radio Group widget’s required
state, edit the radioRequiredState rule in the SpryValidationRadio.css file.
3. Make your changes to the CSS rule and save the file.
The SpryValidationRadio.css file contains extensive comments, explaining the code and the purpose for certain rules. For further information, see
the comments in the file.
Style Validation Radio Group widget error message text
By default, error messages for the Validation Radio Group widget appear in red with a 1-pixel solid border surrounding the text.
To change the text styling of Validation Radio Group widget error messages, use the following table to locate the appropriate CSS rule, and then
change the default properties, or add your own text-styling properties and values.
Text to style
Relevant CSS rule
Relevant properties to change
Error message text
color: #CC3333; border: 1px solid
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