Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 v.13 User Manual
Page 4
Working with head content for pages
Working with the Spry Accordion widget
Working with the Spry Collapsible Panel widget
Working with the Spry Tabbed Panels widget
Working with the Spry Tooltip widget
Working with the Spry Validation Checkbox widget
Working with the Spry Validation Confirm widget
Working with the Spry Validation Password widget
Working with the Spry Validation Radio Group widget
Set text properties in the Property inspector
Working with Photoshop and Dreamweaver
Creating and opening documents
Create a link to a Word or Excel document
Creating and managing a list of favorite assets
Editing content in a template-based document
Import Microsoft Office documents (Windows only)
Importing custom tags into Dreamweaver
Set title and encoding properties for a page
Working with Spry widgets (general instructions)
Checking in and checking out files
Cloaking files and folders in your Dreamweaver site
Comparing files for differences
Getting and putting files to and from your server
Rolling back files (Contribute users)
Set download time and size preferences