Regular expressions – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 v.13 User Manual
Page 456
For attributes with values of an enumerated type, the values must
be lowercase.
An enumerated type value is a value from a specified list of
allowed values; for example, the align attribute has the following
allowed values: center, justify, left, and right.
Forces enumerated type values to be lowercase in the code that
it generates, and when cleaning up XHTML.
All script and style elements must have a type attribute.
(The type attribute of the script element has been required since
HTML 4, when the language attribute was deprecated.)
Sets the type and language attributes in script elements, and the
type attribute in style elements, in the code that it generates and
when cleaning up XHTML.
All img and area elements must have an alt attribute.
Sets these attributes in the code that it generates and, when
cleaning up XHTML, reports missing alt attributes.
Regular expressions
Regular expressions are patterns that describe character combinations in text. Use them in your code searches to help describe concepts such as
lines that begin with “var” and attribute values that contain a number.
The following table lists the special characters in regular expressions, their meanings, and usage examples. To search for text containing one of
the special characters in the table, escape the special character by preceding it with a backslash. For example, to search for the actual asterisk in
the phrase some conditions apply*, your search pattern might look like this: apply\*. If you don’t escape the asterisk, you’ll find all the occurrences
of “apply” (as well as any of “appl”, “applyy”, and “applyyy”), not just the ones followed by an asterisk.
Beginning of input or line.
^T matches “T” in “This good earth” but
not in “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”
End of input or line.
h$ matches “h” in “teach” but not in
The preceding character 0 or more times.
um* matches “um” in “rum”, “umm” in
“yummy”, and “u” in “huge”
The preceding character 1 or more times.
um+ matches “um” in “rum” and “umm” in
“yummy” but nothing in “huge”
The preceding character at most once
(that is, indicates that the preceding
character is optional).
st?on matches “son” in “Johnson” and
“ston” in “Johnston” but nothing in
“Appleton” or “tension”
Any single character except newline.
.an matches “ran” and “can” in the phrase
“bran muffins can be tasty”
Either x or y.
FF0000|0000FF matches “FF0000” in
bgcolor="#FF0000" and “0000FF’” in font
Exactly n occurrences of the preceding
o{2} matches “oo” in “loom” and the first
two o’s in “mooooo” but nothing in “money”
At least n, and at most m, occurrences of
the preceding character.
F{2,4} matches “FF” in “#FF0000” and the
first four Fs in #FFFFFF
Any one of the characters enclosed in the
brackets. Specify a range of characters
with a hyphen (for example, [a-f] is
equivalent to [abcdef]).
[e-g] matches “e” in “bed”, “f” in “folly”, and
”g” in “guard”
Any character not enclosed in the
brackets. Specify a range of characters
with a hyphen (for example, [^a-f] is
equivalent to [^abcdef]).
[^aeiou] initially matches “r” in “orange”, “b”
in “book”, and “k” in “eek!”
A word boundary (such as a space or
carriage return).
\bb matches “b” in “book” but nothing in
“goober” or “snob”