Xhtml code – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 v.13 User Manual

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XHTML code

Dreamweaver generates new XHTML code and cleans up existing XHTML code in a way that meets most of the XHTML requirements. The tools
that you need to meet the few XHTML requirements that remain are also provided.

Note: Some of the requirements also are required in various versions of HTML.

The following table describes the XHTML requirements that Dreamweaver meets automatically:

XHTML requirement

Actions Dreamweaver performs

There must be a DOCTYPE declaration in the document prior to
the root element, and the declaration must reference one of the
three Document Type Definition (DTD) files for XHTML (strict,
transitional, or frameset).

Adds an XHTML DOCTYPE to an XHTML document:

Transitional//EN" "

Or, if the XHTML document has a frameset:

Frameset//EN" "

The root element of the document must be html, and the html
element must designate the XHTML namespace.

Adds the namespace attribute to the html element, as follows:

A standard document must have the head, title, and body
structural elements. A frameset document must have the head,
title, and frameset structural elements.

In a standard document, includes the head, title, and body
elements. In a frameset document, includes the head, title, and
frameset elements.

All elements in the document must nest properly:

This is a bad example.

This is a good

Generates correctly nested code and, when cleaning up XHTML,
corrects nesting in code that was not generated by Dreamweaver.

All element and attribute names must be lowercase.

Forces HTML element and attribute names to be lowercase in the
XHTML code that it generates and when cleaning up XHTML,
regardless of your tag and attribute case preferences.

Every element must have a closing tag, unless it is declared in
the DTD as EMPTY.

Inserts closing tags in the code that it generates, and when
cleaning up XHTML.

Empty elements must have a closing tag, or the opening tag must
end with />. For example,
is not valid; the correct form is

. Following are the empty elements: area,
base, basefont, br, col, frame, hr, img, input, isindex, link, meta,
and param.

And for backwards-compatibility with browsers that are not XML-
enabled, there must be a space before the /> (for example, />, not

Inserts empty elements with a space before the closing slash in
empty tags in the code that it generates, and when cleaning up

Attributes can’t be minimized; for example, is not
valid; the correct form is .

This affects the following attributes: checked, compact, declare,
defer, disabled, ismap, multiple, noresize, noshade, nowrap,
readonly, and selected.

Inserts full attribute-value pairs in the code that it generates, and
when cleaning up XHTML.

Note: If an HTML browser does not support HTML 4, it might fail
to interpret these Boolean attributes when they appear in their full

All attribute values must be surrounded by quotation marks.

Places quotation marks around attribute values in the code that it
generates, and when cleaning up XHTML.

The following elements must have an id attribute as well as a
name attribute: a, applet, form, frame, iframe, img, and map. For
example, Introduction is not valid; the
correct form is

Introduction or

Sets the name and id attributes to the same value, whenever the
name attribute is set by a Property inspector, in the code that
Dreamweaver generates, and when cleaning up XHTML.


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