Define css style extension properties – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 v.13 User Manual
Page 158
Absolute places the content using the coordinates entered in the Placement boxes relative to the nearest absolutely- or relatively-
positioned ancestor, or, if no absolutely- or relatively-positioned ancestor exists, to the upper-left corner of the page.
Relative places the content block using the coordinates entered in the Placement boxes relative to block’s position in the text flow of the
document. For example, giving an element a relative position and top and left coordinates of 20px each will shift the element 20px to the
right and 20px down from its normal position in the flow. Elements can also be positioned relatively, with or without top, left, right, or
bottom coordinates, to establish a context for absolutely-positioned children.
Fixed places the content using the coordinates entered in the Placement boxes, relative to the top left corner of the browser. The content
will remain fixed in this position as the user scrolls the page.
Static places the content at its location in the text flow. This is the default position of all positionable HTML elements.
Determines the initial display condition of the content. If you do not specify a visibility property, by default the content inherits the
parent tag’s value. The default visibility of the body tag is visible. Select one of the following visibility options:
Inherit inherits the visibility property of the content’s parent.
Visible displays the content, regardless of the parent’s value.
Hidden hides the content, regardless of the parent’s value.
Determines the stacking order of the content. Elements with a higher z-index appear above elements with a lower z-index (or none
at all). Values can be positive or negative. (If your content is absolutely positioned, it’s easier to change the stacking order using the AP
Elements panel).
Determines what happens if the contents of a container (for example, a DIV or a P) exceed its size. These properties control the
expansion as follows:
Visible increases the container’s size so that all of its contents are visible. The container expands down and to the right.
Hidden maintains the container’s size and clips any content that doesn’t fit. No scroll bars are provided.
Scroll adds scroll bars to the container regardless of whether the contents exceed the container’s size. Specifically providing scroll bars
avoids confusion caused by the appearance and disappearance of scroll bars in a dynamic environment. This option is not displayed in
the Document window.
Auto makes scroll bars appear only when the container’s contents exceed its boundaries. This option is not displayed in the Document
Specifies the location and size of the content block. How the browser interprets the location depends on the setting for Type.
Size values are overridden if the content of the content block exceeds the specified size.
The default units for location and size are pixels. You can also specify the following units: pc (picas), pt (points), in (inches), mm
(millimeters), cm (centimeters), (ems), (exs), or % (percentage of the parent’s value). The abbreviations must follow the value without a
space: for example, 3mm.
Defines the part of the content that is visible. If you specify a clipping region, you can access it with a scripting language such as
JavaScript and manipulate the properties to create special effects such as wipes. These wipes can be set up by using the Change Property
4. When you are finished setting these options, select another CSS category on the left side of the panel to set additional style properties, or
click OK.
Define CSS style extension properties
Extensions style properties include filters, page break, and pointer options.
There are a number of other extension properties available in Dreamweaver, but to access them, you need to go through the CSS Styles
panel. You can easily see a list of extension properties available by opening the CSS Styles panel (Windows > CSS Styles), clicking the Show
Category View button at the bottom of the panel, and expanding the Extensions category.