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frameset’s Borders property is set to No and the frames sharing the border have Borders set to Default.
Border Color Sets a border color for all of the frame’s borders. This color applies to all borders that touch the frame, and overrides the
specified border color of the frameset.
Margin Width Sets the width in pixels of the left and right margins (the space between the frame borders and the content).
Margin Height Sets the height in pixels of the top and bottom margins (the space between the frame borders and the content).
Note: Setting the margin width and height for a frame is not the same as setting margins in the Modify > Page Properties dialog box.
To change the background color of a frame, set the background color of the document in the frame in page properties.
Set accessibility values for a frame
1. In the Frames panel (Window > Frames), select a frame by placing the insertion point in one of the frames.
2. Select Modify > Edit Tag