Metrohm 900 Touch Control Manual User Manual

Page 484

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29.17 Automation




900 Touch Control


Sample | Ext. position | Special beaker | Rack
| Current sample + | Current sample - |
Next position | Prev. position | Calibration
| rotate + | rotate - | swing + | swing -

Default value


Rack position, which is defined by the sample variable. The sample vari-
able is automatically increased by 1 after every method run or it can
selectively be modified with the command SAMPLE.
Ext. position
One of the four external positions which can be moved to with the
Swing Head. Enter the number of the external position (1…4) in the
field to the right.
Special beaker
Special beakers, which are defined in the rack table, can be directly
moved to. Enter the number of the special beaker (1…16) in field to
the right.
Rack position
Any rack position. Enter the number of the rack position (1…999) in
the field to the right.
Current sample +
Starting from the current sample (defined by the sample variable) the
rack is moved forward by the number of rack positions (1…999)
entered in the field to the right.
Current sample -
Starting from the current sample (defined by the sample variable) the
rack is moved backward by the number of rack positions (1…999)
entered in the field to the right.
Next position
Starting from the current rack position, the rack is moved forward by
one position.
Prev. position
Starting from the current rack position, the rack is moved backward by
one position.
Calibration pos.
For automatic calibrations with a USB Sample Processor (see Chapter
32.6, page 492)
rotate +
Moving the rack forward by a certain increment. The rotation incre-
ment is defined in the properties of the tower.
rotate -
Moving the rack backward by a certain increment. The rotation incre-
ment is defined in the properties of the tower.