Metrohm 900 Touch Control Manual User Manual

Page 122

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11.6 Sample racks




900 Touch Control

Rack position

Number of rack position for selected special beaker. Any rack position can
be defined as a special beaker. It is, however, preferable to set them at
high rack positions in order to be able to begin sample series at rack posi-
tion 1. Rack positions defined as special beakers can no longer be used as
sample positions.

Input range

0 - 'maximum number of rack positions'

Work pos. tower 1/2

Work position for the selected special beaker. One specific work position
can be defined for tower 1 and tower 2.

Input range

0 - 'maximum stroke path' mm
A lift position of 0 mm corresponds to the "home
position", i.e. the lift is located at the upper stop
position. The maximum stroke path is defined in the
properties of the tower (see "Maximum stroke
path", page 93)

Beaker radius

Actual radius of the selected special beaker.

This beaker radius may not be less than the minimum beaker radius
defined in the tower properties (see "Min. beaker radius," page 93). If the
lift is to be moved to the work position, then these two values will be
compared with one another.

Input range

1.0 - 100.0 mm



Default value


No check takes place.

Beaker sensor

Each time this special beaker is to be moved to with the MOVE com-
mand, the beaker sensor checks whether a vessel is present. In the MOVE
command, you define the action that takes place if the beaker sensor
does not detect a vessel at the position being moved to.


Tower | Robotic arm | off

Default value


Robotic arm
A Swing Head with beaker sensor must be mounted. In addition, a
suitable work position must be defined for the lift, so that the robotic
arm touches the sample vessel. The work position is moved to for the
purpose of beaker detection.